Project Financing

SustainCo provides financing for qualified building performance enhancements and early-stage development of clean and renewable energy projects. SustainCo has a flexible approach that considers equity and debt financing tools:


Energy Efficiency Financing

- SustainCo takes a holistic approach to enhancing building performance through life-cycle analysis to designing, installing and maintaining energy-related assets. SustainCo considers the monitoring of energy assets critical to identifying cost-effective measures to enhance building performance.

- SustainCo considers a bundled package of energy efficient measures a good candidate to provide energy efficiency financing, and includes mid-size Industrial Commercial Industrial applications as well as multi-residential.

- SustainCo welcomes an opportunity to fund projects not originated by SustainCo. SustainCo can enable your projects to reach completion, and come to terms on what work can be done by SustainCo.

Performance Contracting

- For Customers that want additional risk-mitigation of the cost recovery of all the measures, SustainCo provides a performance guarantee on the results of all of the measures and ensures that results will be met to cover the costs of the financing commitments or it will cut a check to cover the difference. SustainCo would incorporate a small risk premium towards the cost of the projects.

- For customers, Performance Contracting is budget neutral. We’re using dollars you’re already spending on energy bills and we use it to fund the building performance of your facility.

Clean and Renewable Energy Projects

- Clean Energy Developments Corp (“CleanEnergy”), a SustainCo company, is an early stage developer and investor in clean and renewable energy projects with experience in wind, solar, biomass and thermal energy projects. CleanEnergy provides strategic capital, funding management and execution expertise. CleanEnergy may provide either equity or sub-debt for projects, to enable maximum value for the original developers of the projects.

- SustainCo utilizes the expertise across the corporation.